27 May 2021

Conservationists at the zoo have started the first conservation breeding programme in Europe for one of the world’s most endangered primates.

24 May 2021

We’ve become the first zoo in the UK to be recognised with a prestigious award for our work with volunteers.

20 May 2021

Conservationists are celebrating the birth of a rare red-bellied lemur – the first of its kind ever to be born at the zoo!

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19 May 2021
The government’s priorities for the year ahead were set out in the Queen’s Speech on 11 May 2021.
14 May 2021

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 is here and what better way to be looking after ourselves than through connecting with the natural world around us. But how can we be sure it actually benefits our mental health? Lead Conservation Social Scientist Dr. Andy Moss, talks to us about the science behind how nature can impact our wellbeing.

10 May 2021

As our planet heads for extinction tipping point we’ve joined a global coalition United for Biodiversity.


27 Apr 2021

Ahead of the launch of our  Conservation Training Academy course     An Introduction to Zoo and Wildlife Endocrinology, we speak to the event’s co-host and conservation expert Dr Veronica (Ronnie) Cowl  to find out more about her career highlights.

As Reproductive Biology Coordinator, we find out more about her role in our mission to prevent extinction, and how she ended up working among Chester Zoo’s extraordinary team of Conservation Scientists

With her unique experience and insight, she shares her advice to budding conservationists looking to pursue a career in the field of biology…

16 Apr 2021
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12 Mar 2021

Look who’s dropped in! Conservationists are celebrating the birth of a rare Rothschild’s giraffe at the zoo.