5 Mar 2021

Congratulations to our newly trained Youth Champion Volunteers and Support Volunteers! 

4 Mar 2021

We’re celebrating the birth of a rare baby okapi.

The female calf, born to mum K’tusha (7) and dad Stomp (17), arrived safely following a 14-month-long pregnancy.

CCTV cameras at the zoo captured the calf’s first wobbly steps as she was gently encouraged to her feet by mum, shortly after birth. Now, the shy new arrival has stepped outside for the first time after spending the first few weeks of life snuggled up in a cosy nest.

Our keepers have named the adorable youngster ‘Nia Nia’ in homage to a small village that is in the centre of the Okapi Wildlife Reserve, a place where the zoo’s field partners are based, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – the only country in the world where okapis are found in the wild.

The okapi’s zebra-like stripes on its back legs allow offspring to easily follow their mothers into the dense forests in the DRC, keeping them well hidden from predators. Its elusive nature, paired with its impressive sense of hearing and unique camouflage, led to the species being nicknamed the ‘African unicorn’ as the animal went undiscovered until as recently as 1901.

19 Feb 2021

Wow! Well then Codebreakers, you’ve done it! You’ve made it to the final day of the challenge!


18 Feb 2021

Hi there explorers! You’ve done SO well so far…it’s pretty exhausting all this travelling around, but it’s been AMAZING to see so many different species, hasn’t it?

Hope you managed to get a good night sleep. Did you dream in code and symbols again? It feels like we’re getting close to cracking the code now! 

17 Feb 2021

How’s it going codebreakers? Hope you enjoyed feasting on some yummy delights yesterday.  Those recipes were sooooo tasty!

Have you been dreaming about those mysterious symbols as well?!  

Perhaps it’s some sort of pledge, but there must be more to find!  We’ll try to find some more today. 

16 Feb 2021

Good morning fellow rainforest explorers, Hope you slept well. We’re still a bit baffled about that  strange note we found yesterday.  Do you know what it might mean?


Now, let’s see, where are we today?  It’s time to explore this new habitat to see where we’ve ended up this time!


15 Feb 2021

Hello explorers! Welcome! We’re SOOOOO pleased you could join us on our Around the World in 5 Rainforests adventure!


12 Feb 2021

So, you’ve worked hard all half term?
Now it’s time to PLAY!

We think play is REALLY important at the zoo and we especially like to play animal related games.  We thought you might also like to try a few with your friends and family to understand more about animals and conservation but mainly just to have FUN!

12 Feb 2021

The zoo may be closed but that hasn’t stopped our work with schools.  Over the lockdown period we have engaged with thousands of schools and pupils via our virtual workshops , our live virtual zoo days and with our free online resources.  It’s been brilliant but we wanted to know if there was more that we could do.

We are very lucky here at Chester Zoo to work in partnership with a panel of education experts (Curriculum Advisory Panel) who help to direct our work making it as usable and relevant as possible for schools. With their advice we are really excited to announce our latest offering… 

8 Jan 2021

A great place to take your students to explore a South East Asian forest habitat in the middle of Chester Zoo!  With free flying birds, primates, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates and amazing plants, there’s so much to see and learn about.