20 Jul 2020
Explore more Zoo news
16 Jul 2020

The first set of Andean bear twins EVER to be born in the UK have emerged from their den at Chester Zoo.

Explore more Zoo news
16 Jul 2020

Since 2016, conservation scientists from Chester Zoo, PROMETA and the University of Oxford WildCRU have been working to facilitate human-bear coexistence through poverty reduction in Bolivia.

16 Jul 2020

From September 2020, you can take an incredible trip to Chester Zoo from anywhere in the world with our first ever VIRTUAL ZOO VISITS!

We have a range of exciting and engaging sessions to inspire your learners and explore our incredible collection of animals and plants without needing to leave school.

These live and interactive Virtual Zoo Visits will be delivered by our team of experts with a focus on exploring a range of species and subjects. Your Virtual Zoo Visit will engage students, achieve learning outcomes and be easy to access using the latest digital platforms.

Each session is specifically designed for each key stage to inspire your learners and enrich their experience using an incredible collection of artefacts, our amazing animal collection and our first-hand conservation knowledge and experience.

Once you book, you will also get access to exclusive content and unique resources to support learning before and after your live Virtual Zoo Visit. This whole package will provide you with all the tools you’ll need to expand on the learning provided in the session, taking the experience even further.

14 Jul 2020

By offering fantastic internships we are inspiring the next generation of scientists, conservationists and zookeepers.

Our unique programme offers students the chance to work alongside some of our experts within various teams at the zoo, including our science and animal teams.

Through supporting future generations to develop their knowledge and inspiring them to want to act for wildlife, not only are we supporting them to develop their studies, we’re working towards our mission of preventing extinction.

Below we can up with Rose Agnew, our one year science intern in animal behaviour and welfare…

2 Jul 2020

It’s now been three weeks since the zoo opened… and it’s been a period in our history that we’ll never forget.

Explore more Zoo news
29 Jun 2020

Whilst the announcement of a £100 million rescue package for England’s zoos and aquariums is welcome Chester Zoo are unable benefit from it making public support more important than ever.

We of course welcome any extension of financial support for the zoo sector. But once again, from the details we have seen, Chester Zoo is unlikely to benefit given the current parameters applied to the fund. After significant time spent in lengthy, and what have been seemingly very positive discussions with Government representatives in recent months, this is extremely disappointing for us.

While the Government has recognised the high running costs of caring for animals at zoos across the country, it must understand the far-reaching and long-term implications of Covid-19 on our critical work to protect threatened species globally. As a conservation and education charity working to prevent extinction in more than 30 countries, Chester Zoo’s valued conservation projects in the wild, vital scientific research, and education programmes both in the UK and overseas are at risk of being lost – putting animals at further risk of extinction.

We urgently call on the Government to make changes to the scheme and ensure financial help also reaches large charity zoos. Currently, with no tailored funding or support from the Government, we will need to continue our fundraising efforts whilst opening to limited visitor numbers – once again calling on the goodwill, compassion and amazing actions of the public to Save our Zoo.


Explore more Zoo news
25 Jun 2020

There are some fascinating creatures that are active at night. Enter the world of nocturnal animals to discover how they find their way around their environment, hunt and evade predators. 

For all animals, there are three common necessities of life: finding food, finding a mate and avoiding being eaten. But some face the extra challenge of having to do all of that in the dark! 

As humans we rely heavily upon our sense of sight, so we are going to explore the ways other animals have become adapted to life where there is a lot less light!  Follow our step by step guide to investigate the world of nocturnal animals and find out how these amazing creatures use their super senses to navigate life in the dark.

16 Jun 2020

Safety of course has to come first and we’ve put lots in place to ensure social distancing around the zoo, but that doesn’t mean that a family visit can’t also be playful, help children learn and support everyone’s wellbeing.

In fact, we believe these things are more important now than ever, so we’ve put together some top tips and special resources to help you get the most out of a visit.

9 Jun 2020
A week ago we were in despair, not knowing when we would reopen, or if we could even survive much longer… BUT YOUR VOICES HAVE BEEN HEARD!
Explore more Zoo news