5 May 2020

We’ve been working with HUTAN Education Awareness Programme (HEAP) for over a decade, helping to develop a strategic plan for their learning programmes alongside HEAP coordinator, Bam Abulani. 

HEAP work with schools across the Sabah region of Malaysian Borneo, educating young people about the importance of the rainforest and the wildlife within it. Although these young people live very close to the forests, education is vital to helping them learn more about its value and ensuring positive attitudes to its conservation. Our work with HEAP is therefore a crucial part of our work preventing the extinction of species like orangutans.

Two of our Conservation Education and Engagement staff, Jo and Bella, got the opportunity to visit the HEAP team in Borneo to learn more about their educational outreach programme and to identify ways that Chester Zoo could help them develop it further.


5 May 2020
Five fluffy penguin chicks have hatched at the zoo – and our keepers have named them after NHS Heroes and hospitals.
30 Apr 2020
Alongside conservation and education, one of the core tenets of a modern zoo is research – but what exactly is the contribution to science from EAZA zoos? This new piece of fascinating research involving Chester Zoo’s Research officer, Dr. Lindsay Eckley, set out to find out just that.
28 Apr 2020

We’ve been absolutely BLOWN AWAY by all the amazing work that you’ve all been doing whilst watching our Virtual Zoo Days over the last few weeks.

Whether you’ve been creating your own zoos, colouring in our animal masks, or making your own fact files – it’s all fantastic learning and we’ve really enjoyed seeing what you’ve been getting up to.


27 Apr 2020

Rainforests are AMAZING. These incredible places cover only 6% of the Earth’s surface but they contain more than 1/2 of the world’s plant and animal species! Not only that but they can be great inspiration for learning across a whole range of subjects. 

Our online learning resource platform contains more than 60 different resources to inspire learning about rainforests and rainforest species.  Follow our step by step guide below to get the most out of them. By making the research more or less detailed rainforest activities can be adapted for different ages, but most of these resources are best suited to learners aged 7–11 years.  

3 Apr 2020


Explore more Zoo news
3 Apr 2020

We’re very excited about launching WILDEVERSE, a new game by Internet of Elephants who are brilliant game makers, passionate about conservation.

26 Mar 2020

From helping breed the first rhinoceros hornbill chicks at the zoo in over a decade, to spending two hours each day chopping food, a life of a Bird Keeper is interesting, varied and two days are rarely the same. Casey Povey tells us what it’s like working with all our feathered friends.

Casey Bird Keeper | Chester Zoo
Casey – Bird Keeper


Explore more Zoo news
24 Mar 2020

The delightful duo arrived to seven year old mum Fiona following 135-day-long pregnancy and have been clinging tightly to her ever since.

23 Mar 2020

Being global leaders in animal welfare for more than 35,000 animals is no easy task, it takes a dedicated team of keepers, vets and scientists. There’s a myriad of questions about the animals that our brilliant team set out to answer, every single day. Are the animals happy? Are they healthy?Are any females pregnant? Many of the answers to these questions can be found in a very unusual place – POO.