
United Kingdom


  • Hedgehog Watch
  • Blog or story
  • Citizen Science
  • Conservation field work
  • Wildlife Connections

We took part in the Hedgehog survey as we had seen some in our garden last summer. We were delighted to discover that one came most nights to hoover up dropped seeds from the bird feeder and then went on the same circuit to the next garden – leaving a distinct path in our ‘No Mow May’ lawn.

We will now have to find where it comes in and goes out, to make sure it has free access around the gardens. We also found that a fox was visiting too, to have a sniff around the feeder hoping to find some tasty treats. We had only seen this once before on an early morning visit. There were also our cats leaping around as well as mystery cats from the neighbourhood. Our day visitors seemed to be a fat wood pigeon looking for pickings as well as lots of pictures of our legs! This was great fun to take part in and we found out a lot about the nocturnal goings on, on our lawn.