National Conservation Zoo

Opening times today: 10am - 4:30pm (Last entry at 4pm)


African wild dogs, also known as the Cape hunting dog, have a Latin name which means ‘painted wolf’, based on the unique pattern of each individual animal. Their large, round ears can pick up calls from other dogs far away and can also move to indicate directions for other members of the pack. They communicate with each other using high pitched yaps to coordinate their attacks.  

Wild dogs are carnivores and highly social animals, living in large packs that hunt together. Before they hunt the pack has a social rally which gets the dogs awake, excited and ready! They'll chase the prey until it tires and then share the meal with the other pack members letting the pups eat first. 

African wild dogs live in 'fission-fusion societies' meaning they will move in and out of packs. Pack sizes can range between 2-30 members with a monogamous breeding pair leading the others. These pairs have very large litters, so all the pack members help to look after the pups, working together to bring enough food to feed the pups and the mother as she will stay with them in an underground den while they're suckling. Pack members are known to switch roles, and some dogs will stay behind to protect the pups while the others go hunting.  

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African wild dog facts

I am a mammal

They're fast! Wild dogs can reach speeds of up to 44mph making them great opportunistic hunters.


Found in several African countries, including Botswana, Kenya and Zimbabwe.

African savannahs

Including grassy plains, savannah woodland and semi desert areas. 


Their diet consists mainly of impala, kudu, springbok and wildebeest. 

Highly social & intelligent

Wild dogs will typically live in pack of around 20, with an alpha male and female leading the group. 

20 - 30kg

Their average head to tail length is around 30 - 47in, with males being slightly larger than the females. 

10 - 12 years

They have a relatively short lifespan, typically living up to 10 years in the wild.

Under the wooden bridge and in Heart of Africa

As you walk over the wooden bridge on your way to or from Islands, look down and the painted dog habitat lies underneath! From April 2025, these animals will also be viewable in Heart of Africa.

IUCN red list statusEndangered
Animal vulnerability index


African wil dog numbers have plummeted in the last 100 years and human-wildlife conflict is known to be the main cause. 

Threat Humans
Human intervention
Threat Hunting
Hunting or collection
Threat Climate Change
Climate change & severe weather
Threat Energy Production
Energy production & mining