National Conservation Zoo

Opening times today: 10am - 4pm (Last entry at 3pm)

If you have a general enquiry please use our contact form or call 01244 380280. If you have a media enquiry please contact a member of the team using the details below. 

For all advertising and marketing enquiries please contact us here.

Press and media team

PR Manager

John Brown

Direct Line: 01244 389402
Mobile: 07870 854654
Weekends: 07500 442065

Senior Media Manager

Will Condliffe

Direct Line: 01244 389462
Mobile: 07557 744092
Weekends: 07500 442065

AV Production & Talent Manager

Vicky Ashdown

Direct Line: 01244 389460
Mobile: 07483042575
Weekends: 07500 442065