National Conservation Zoo

Opening times today: 10am - 4:30pm (Last entry at 4pm)


There were once so many Asiatic lions on our planet that they roamed across northern Africa, Greece, Turkey and Asia, but today there are only about 350 left in the wild and all of them live in India’s Gir Forest. 

Standing between 1 and 1.2 metres tall, lions are impressively built animals, with compact bodies, powerful legs and strong jaws and teeth, making them superb hunters. They are visibly different to African lions; the males’ manes are much darker. The larger and darker their manes are, the more attractive they are to females. 

Lions enjoy relaxing and lazing around, they spend between 16 and 20 hours each day resting and sleeping. They have few sweat glands so they wisely tend to conserve their energy by resting during the day to conserve their energy at night for when it is cooler. 

They’re the most sociable of the big cats, led by a dominant male who is the only male in the pride who can mate. Female cubs often remain within the same pride for life, while males are forced to leave at around 2 years old to find prides of their own to join. 

Lions give birth about once every two years to a litter of between 1 to 4 cubs, having been receptive to mating several times throughout the year. 

Asiatic Lion At The Zoo SQAURE

Asiatic lion facts

I am a mammal

Asiatic lions spend between 16 - 20 hours each day resting. 


There are only around 350 Asiatic lions left in the wild.

Gir Forest

Once spread over areas from Turkey to India, this species of lion can only be found in Gir National Park and a few smaller habitats in the western Indian state of Gujarat.


Antelope, deer, buffalo, wild boar, monkeys & birds.

Sociable & communicative

Lions mark their territory by roaring, a sound which can be heard up to 5 miles away! 

Up to 190kg

Their retractable claws can be up to 38mm long. 

15 - 18 years

In the wild, lions can live up to 18 years.

The Lion Habitat

Follow the path round from the Butterfly House and you’ll soon head into the lion’s den.

IUCN red list statusEndangered
Animal vulnerability index


The lions at Chester Zoo are part of the European Endangered Species Breeding Programme.

This programme aims to conserve healthy populations of some of the world’s most threatened species in zoos in Europe. Having healthy populations of Asiatic lions across Europe creates a wider gene pool. These act as insurance populations should the species become extinct in the wild. 

Threat Humans
Human intervention
Threat Hunting
Hunting or collection
Threat Climate Change
Climate change & severe weather
Threat Energy Production
Energy production & mining