Greater one-horned rhino
Rhinoceros unicornis
These prehistoric-looking rhinos are easily distinguishable by their thick, armour-like skin. They’re also the largest of all the rhino species.
Their horns are made from keratin (the same protein that makes our fingernails and hair) and can regrow if broken off. These rhinos are born without horns, and only develop them once they are about six years old. They use their horns to forage for roots and find food!
Their skin appears to look like plates of armour, due to its thickness. A layer of fat under their skin allows them to regulate their temperature, and their thick skin protects them from sharp thorns and branches when browsing for food.
Adult males live a solitary life. Groups consist of females and calves, and their calves stay together for around four years.

Greater one-horned rhino facts

Human intervention

Hunting or collection