National Conservation Zoo

Opening times today: 10am - 4pm (Last entry at 3pm)

  • 8 Thursday - 9 Friday May

    1-day tickets are also available for either day.
  • 9am-5pm

  • 1 and 2 day tickets available!

    2 day ticket - £150, or £120 for BIAZA/EAZA/ABWAK members.
    1 day ticket - £85, or £65 for BIAZA/EAZA/ABWAK members.

You'll gain an understanding of the complexities involved in managing aquatic systems, promoting species conservation, and enhancing care practices for aquatic species.

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with experts and learn about the future of aquatic species care and conservation. Whether you're looking to refine your skills or embark on a new career path, this course offers invaluable knowledge and case studies to support your career working with aquatic species.

Location: On site at Chester Zoo

Please note, you're able to buy a 2 day ticket or choose to come along to just one of the days.

Day 1 will cover a wide range of aquatic taxa:
• Challenges with aquatic environments in a zoo
• Penguin filtration and water management
• Managing wetland birds
• Tour of plant rooms
• Theming of aquatic areas in the zoo
• Pinniped management

Day 2 will focus more on aquarium-based species and environments:
• Species selection and collection planning for aquariums
• Stocking and sourcing of fish
• Population management and breeding
• Monitoring and measuring of water and environmental parameters
• Health and safety

Reduced prices available for BIAZA, EAZA and ABWAK members. We're also happy to offer these prices to students/staff with academic email addresses. Please contact for queries.