National Conservation Zoo

Opening times today: 10am - 4pm (Last entry at 3pm)

  • 21 Friday February - 8 Saturday November

    Are you 14-17 years old and have an interest in wildlife photography? Multiple dates available to book over 2025, find out more below!
  • 8.30am – 4pm

  • £100

A typical fun packed holiday club day may look like this:

8:30am: Arrival

8:30am – 8:45am: Introductions and icebreakers

8:45am – 9:15am: Introduction to wildlife photography

9:15am – 10:30am: Photography in our Jaguar house

10:45am – 12pm: Practicing photography skills with plants or artefacts

12pm – 12:30pm: Lunch (please note, lunch is NOT provided)

12:45pm – 2pm: Photography of penguins and flamingos

2:15pm – 3:30pm: Photography in the butterfly house

3:30pm- 4pm: Round up and final questions

Jaguar At The Zoo 4