National Conservation Zoo

Opening times today: 10am - 4pm (Last entry at 3pm)

As you explore the different habitats around the zoo you’ll notice that the incredible outdoor plants also attract a range of UK species – like bumble bees.

In fact, we love bumble bees so much we’ve created a whole garden for them to ensure they have plenty of food and places to nest and hibernate.

Bumblebees are disappearing at a worrying rate; that’s why it’s important we do all we can to help them. We’re doing all we can to protect the incredible species found right here on our doorstep. 

Our award-winning gardens are home to...

2000 carnivorous plants

We're home to over 2000 carnivorous plants, making our collection one of the largest ever in the UK.

Over 130 species

 These incredible plants are kept in special conditions at the zoo. 

Over 1,500 orchids

We look after more than 1,500 orchids originating from South America.