NEZS (“Chester Zoo”) fully recognises its responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults at risk who use our facilities. Chester Zoo believes that:
The welfare of a child or adult at risk is paramount and that regardless of age, disability, gender, nationality, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or any other additional vulnerability, there is a right to equal protection from all forms of harm or abuse.
The best interests of the child are paramount in all considerations about their welfare and protection, including when to maintain confidentiality and when to share information about them.
All employees, volunteers, and partner organisations have a role to play in safeguarding children and adults at risk and are included in the scope of this policy.
Chester Zoo will fulfil this responsibility by:
- Valuing, listening to and respecting children and adults at risk who use our services.
- Ensuring the welfare and safety of children, young people and adults at risk is paramount in all our activities.
- Providing clear and comprehensive procedures to enable staff and volunteers to respond to safeguarding concerns.
- Providing a code of conduct for employees, partners, and contractors which links to our disciplinary procedures.
- Ensuring that suitable employees and volunteers are recruited by adopting safer recruitment, selection and vetting processes.
- Providing effective management through induction, review and support.
- Providing employees and volunteers with training appropriate to their safeguarding role and responsibilities.
- Establishing a safeguarding governance structure with assigned roles and responsibilities at operational, strategic and trustee level.
- Producing regular safeguarding reports to trustees to keep them up to date with how safeguarding is managed.
- Informing contractors, partners and visitors of the existence of our safeguarding policy and how they can alert us if they have any concerns.
- Reviewing our policy and procedures every 12 months or sooner if required due to changes in legislation or guidance or in response to changes in the services we provide.
- Taking all suspicions and allegations of abuse, from inside or outside the organisation, seriously, and respond to them promptly and appropriately.
- Providing a clear Whistleblowing Policy for staff and volunteers.
- Maintaining an appropriate system to facilitate the accurate and confident reporting and monitoring of safeguarding concerns.
If you need to get in touch with us regarding any aspect of safeguarding please contact our Designated Safeguarding Officers on safeguard[at]