14 May 2024

Chester Zoo helps to set the stage for UK MPs to debate on commitments to nature!

With nature in crisis across our planet, 193 countries came together at COP15 to set bold targets to halt and reverse biodiversity decline by 2030 and a vision of living in harmony with nature by 2050. As the UK looks to publish a new plan on how it will support this through its own national nature targets, will they be bold enough?

Conservationist groups across the country, including Chester Zoo, are demanding they must.

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We’ve played a leading role in making a Westminster debate happen on 14 May, during which MPs will discuss how well the UK is delivering action for species conservation. This debate comes ahead of the first ever World Species Congress on 15th May — a new, groundbreaking global event to drive worldwide collaboration around species recovery efforts.

Nature groups are warning MPs that the gap between the ambition of the COP15 targets and real action for nature in the UK remains huge, with a previous analysis showing that none of the targets are currently on track for delivery in England. 

The UK Government is set to publish its plan on international goals, including halting and reversing the decline of nature by 2030 (an international target agreed at COP15 in December 2022) on 22 May. UK nature groups are warning the government to produce firm proposals for how it plans to save nature, before it’s too late.

The four countries of the UK are amongst the most nature-depleted in the world, and so share a responsibility to take a leading role in driving nature’s recovery. Leading environmental groups from across the four nations are warning that the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) must detail new commitments, action, strategies, and finance to make the commendable target to halt and reverse the decline of nature by 2030 a reality while also setting a strong example for other countries.

Simon Dowell, Conservation Science & Policy Director at Chester Zoo, said:

“Around the world wildlife continues to decline, so we look forward to working with parliamentarians on strong global action for nature ahead of the World Species Congress.”

“This is a key opportunity for the UK to be a world leader on nature, with strong policies here that could spur action in other countries too. And closer to home, with iconic species from hedgehogs to curlews disappearing at an alarming rate, we need Government action now to ensure that future generations can enjoy a life with more nature.”

Nature groups are calling for further action in the following areas:

  1. Protection of 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030: It’s been over three years since the UK Government promised to protect 30% of land and sea for nature, yet progress remains slow and unclear. Nature groups are calling for more robust criteria on what constitutes a protected area. The most recent progress update on this found just 3% of land and 8% of sea was effectively protected for nature. An FOI also found that the UK Government has no evidence to back up its claims to be on track to meet this target.
  2. Funding for sustainable farming: Agriculture is the most significant driver of biodiversity loss in the UK. Governments across the UK must put forward plans, advice and funding to reform food and farming policy to support nature positive farming and transform the way we manage land. 
  3. Strong action for species abundance: In the UK, species abundance has been in shocking decline and yet not all UK governments have set legally binding targets to recover species abundance. Countries should put forward these targets, and match them with costed delivery plans. 
  4. Sustainably manage and restore marine ecosystems. More comprehensive action plans for the protection and conservation of marine ecosystems are needed, including plans for fisheries to be managed so that they support thriving seabird populations, and benefit nature and the climate.

A previous analysis by Wildlife and Countryside Link of England’s progress towards these global nature targets found that, of the 18 targets assessed, none were on track. Other analyses have found a similar story: the Office for Environmental Protection’s annual progress report found that the Government is largely off-track to meet its environmental ambitions and legal obligations in England. 

Beccy Speight, Chief Executive of the RSPB, said:

“The UK played a leading role in landing the global nature targets at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity COP15 – and yet it remains one of the most nature-depleted places in the world. It is clear that current plans simply do not go far enough to tackle the scale and urgency of the nature and climate crisis. We now have an opportunity for UK countries to demonstrate world-leading action to protect and restore nature and plug the gap between those commitments and existing plans.

“We need governments across the UK to share vital details of timely, ambitious action plans and funding to save our natural world. Nature cannot afford to wait any longer.” 


Richard Benwell, Chief Executive of Wildlife and Countryside Link, said:

“COP15 saw the agreement of strong targets for nature around the world. The UK should be proud of its role in this but nearly eighteen months later and we’re still waiting on firm plans on how nature will actually be saved.”

The UK public is strongly behind action for nature which would restore dwindling wildlife, give us happier healthier communities and have huge benefits including farming. The Government must wake up to this now and give nature recovery the action and funding it needs.”


Nature groups are urging all politicians to match the public’s desire for action to save nature. 100,000 people have signed an open letter calling on the leaders of all political parties to get behind big commitments for nature ahead of the General Election. Over 100 nature groups are also aiming to deliver the biggest ever gathering to support nature and climate on 22 June.

If we are to reverse the current biodiversity and climate crises, we need urgent, bold action from all of society — it’s time for our leaders to lead the way.