Bakery Rises to the Challenge of Tackling Deforestation
February 28, 2025
Turning to sustainable palm oil can aid in conservation.
A family bakery has risen to the challenge of fighting deforestation
Roberts, a Cheshire-based bakery, is the latest to become a Sustainable Palm Oil ambassador by signing up to the Chester Zoo-led campaign.
We’re overjoyed that Roberts Bakery have joined the push to prevent deforestation, particularly as they are practically our neighbours!
Roberts, a Cheshire-based bakery, is the latest to become a Sustainable Palm Oil ambassador by signing up to the Chester Zoo-led campaign.
We’re overjoyed that Roberts Bakery have joined the push to prevent deforestation, particularly as they are practically our neighbours!
Chester officially became the world’s first Sustainable Palm Oil City in 2019, and word has spread in the five years since. With national ambassadors signing up from across the UK, it’s wonderful to welcome a Cheshire business to the fold.
Roberts bake bread and biscuits, producing millions of loaves and buns each week.
We are so pleased Roberts has risen to the occasion by pledging to stick to sustainable palm oil sources.
A spokesperson for the firm said: “We are so proud to be part of Chester Zoo’s Sustainable Palm Oil Communities Project as Sustainable Palm Oil Ambassadors and we’re looking forward to helping to educate our customers, consumers and suppliers about the benefits of sustainable palm.”
Palm oil is commonly found in many baked goods, as it is a versatile ingredient.
Growing global demand led to unsustainable farming practices in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia, where forests were felled to create farmland.
Turning to sustainable palm oil, however, can aid in conservation. Palm oil is the most land and water efficient vegetable oil available, meaning that when it is managed properly, it takes up less space and resources than alternative oils.
Choosing sustainable palm oil, which is deforestation-free and adheres to strict criteria from the RSPO certification scheme, can help preserve vital habitats for species like Bornean orangutans and Sumatran tigers.
We are so pleased Roberts has risen to the occasion by pledging to stick to sustainable palm oil sources. They have proved they’re committed to sourcing 100% deforestation-free sustainable palm oil.
Palm oil is commonly found in many baked goods, as it is a versatile ingredient.
Growing global demand led to unsustainable farming practices in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia, where forests were felled to create farmland.
Turning to sustainable palm oil, however, can aid in conservation. Palm oil is the most land and water efficient vegetable oil available, meaning that when it is managed properly, it takes up less space and resources than alternative oils.
Choosing sustainable palm oil, which is deforestation-free and adheres to strict criteria from the RSPO certification scheme, can help preserve vital habitats for species like Bornean orangutans and Sumatran tigers.
We are so pleased Roberts has risen to the occasion by pledging to stick to sustainable palm oil sources. They have proved they’re committed to sourcing 100% deforestation-free sustainable palm oil.
Find out about Roberts bakery here: Roberts Bakery.If you think you could be our next ambassador please get in touch with Catherine Barton or Eleanor Evans by emailing spocity@chesterzoo.org.